Holiday Hang Sesh: 4 Holiday Gifting Alternatives for Friends

Nothing brings friends together more than awesome shared experiences. In the event doling out a bunch of cash money for gifts isn't in the cards this year, we put our heads together to come up with four alternatives to traditional holiday gifting. These are unique ways to get your pals together to do something super meaningful, sans a bunch of dolla dolla bills, y'all.

  1. Volunteer as a Friend Group

    Holidays tend to be a very busy and crowded time at homeless shelters making it a great opportunity for your squad to get together to help serve meals to people who would love to see some friendly faces.

  2. Host A Letter Writing Party

    The World Needs More Love Letters is a global organization using the power behind social media to handwrite and mail love letters to people in need around the world. From December 6-17, they are hosting their biggest campaign of the year— The 12 Days of Love Letters! Each day, they share a new story of an individual who they are secretly gathering love letters for. Your letters become part of a huge bundle of letters (think thousands of love letters) gifted to 12+ individuals at the end of the campaign! So dope, right?! Get your pals together over for wine night and partake in this awesome cause. Learn more here.

  3. Go on a Family Vacation

    Instead of stressing over family gifts for your parents, stepparents, siblings, half-sibs, and all of your nieces and nephews, skip the presents this year and use that money to go on a family vacation instead. Depending on how many family units are in your extended family, have each crew pay for a night of the vacation. In our opinion, experiences make for the best gifts anyway!

  4. Adopt a Family as a Group

    Pull your funds as a friend group in order to support a low-income child or family without enough resources for gifts thihs holidays. You can usually set this up through your local Salvation Army Angel Tree branch or a community center such as a Boys and Girls ClubIn a nutshell, your friend group will get a family’s wish list for the holidays (the size of the family will depend on your budget). You buy the presents on their list, wrap them and turn them into the collection coordinator. The presents then get distributed to the family. You guys will bond over shopping together while a lucky family gets to open presents they might not otherwise get! Win-win, y’all!

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